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     The F1 key opens the Options / Help Menu. In this menu you can
     select the following features:

        Database       - Opens the Database selection menu. Press
                         ENTER to select, ESC to close the menu
                         without selecting.

        Text Search    - Opens the search window and prompts for
                         a keyword to search for. By pressing
                         either ENTER or F2 the search routine will
                         be activated.

        Find Next      - Searches for the next match that was
                         defined in the manual search routine
                         or by the auto-lookup routine when
                         popped-up the display window.

        Leave Image    - Lets you leave an image of the display
                         window on the screen and returns you to
                         your work. The image is cleared from the
                         screen when the program you are using
                         repaints the screen (usually an ENTER key
                         press will cause a screen repaint.)

        Auto-Lookup    - Toggles the auto-lookup routine ON/OFF.
                         when ON the auto-lookup routine will read
                         the word at the cursor in your program
                         when you pop-up Expert Help. Once read,
                         the search routine is invoked and all
                         SHORT entries in the entire database are
                         searched for a match to the search word.
                         If a match is found, the highlite bar
                         will be positioned over the SHORT entry.
                         If no match was found, Expert Help will
                         sound a beep and display a Not Found
                         message in the lower right corner of the
                         screen. Also if the screen is in half-screen
                         mode and the Auto-Lookup feature is turned
                         ON the window will position itself away
                         from the search word (when popped-up).

        Cut and Paste  - Activates the Cut and Paste Routine. The
                         Cut and Paste feature lets you paste text
                         into your program (usually an editor or
                         word processor). Once you have activated
                         the Cut and Paste routine, use the cursor
                         pad (arrow keys, etc.) to highlite a block
                         of text. When finished press ENTER, Expert
                         Help will pop-down and the text block will
                         be written into you editor.

        Cut and Print  - Activates the Cut and Print Routine. The
                         Cut and Print feature lets you highlite a
                         block of text and send it to your printer.
                         Once you have activated the Cut and Print
                         routine, use the cursor pad (arrow keys,
                         etc.) to highlite a block of text. When
                         finished press ENTER, a window will pop-up
                         displaying information about your printer,
                         the number of lines selected, and the
                         current state of the print job. When finish-
                         ed, you are given the option of Ejecting
                         the Page or pressing ESC to Exit.

        Full Screen    - Toggles the Display Window to either Full
                         Screen or Half Screen mode. In Half Screen
                         mode you are able to move the window up and
                         down using the Shift Up/Dn Arrow Keys. Also
                         if the screen is in half-screen mode and the
                         Auto-Lookup feature is turned ON the window
                         will position itself away from the search
                         word (when popped-up).

        Set Colors     - Opens the Color Selection Window. In this
                         window you can set the display colors of
                         the Display Window. To make your changes
                         permanent, use the Save Options feature.

        Set Hot-Key    - Opens the Hot Key selection window. In
                         this window you can change the Hot Key that
                         pops up the Display Window. To make your
                         changes permanent, use the Save Options

         Uninstall     - Unloads Expert Help from Memory.

         Save Options  - Saves all settings to disk in the EH.INI file.
                         Settings include, color, hot key, default database,
                         auto-lookup and full/half screen status.


See Also: How to Order Expert Help
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson